Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Nanda Nursing Diagnosis And Care Plans

A nursing diagnosis is the part of the nursing process and mainly the clinical judgment about the family, individual in response to the potential health problems. NANDA stands for North America Nursing Diagnosis Association. Nanda is mainly the primary organization that defines, revises, research, and integrates the standard diagnosis of nursing worldwide. Due to this you can get easily evaluate patient’s condition. Furthermore, it has 4 categories and every category consists of 3 parts:

  • Problem-focused diagnosis.
  • Risk diagnosis.
  • Health promotion diagnosis.
  • Syndrome diagnosis.

How To Diagnose the Nursing Diagnosis?

Well for the diagnosis process the nurse should critically think and must be aware of the characteristics and behavior includes in it. Following are the steps of assessment that could help the nurse to diagnose and make the care plan easily:


The first step of nursing is assessment. In this, the nurse gathers information about the patient's sociological, psychological, physiological, and spiritual status as well. You can collect the data in different ways. However, the most useful approach is the interview of the patient to collect the required information. In the interview, ask about the patient's health history, family history, generally observe the patient, check if any co-morbidities present or not, and interact to find out the psychological condition.


The next step is the diagnosis that involves the judgment of the nurse about the patient's condition. Multiple diagnoses are made for the same patients which are called differential diagnosis. However, after that nurses consult with the doctors and choose the most relative condition from the differential diagnosis. Moreover, these diagnoses are important to improve patients' health and make the treatment plan.


After the nurse and doctor agree on the diagnosis make a plan of the treatment for the patient. Moreover, in the case of multiple diagnoses, the nurse should prioritize the condition with severe symptoms and high risk. In this nurses make the plan based on evidence-based practices.


It is obvious that right after making the plan one has to implement it otherwise the plan has no use. Nurses must follow the steps according to the decided plan include the monitoring of change, patient care, perform the necessary medical tasks, instruct the patient or guide the family about how to take care of the ill person, patient health management, and then a follow-up.


The last step is the evaluation in which the nursing action will be considered to check if it is making any change in the patient's condition or not. The outcomes will be described in three terms including patients condition improvement, stabilized patient condition, and deteriorated condition of the patient.

Purpose Of Nursing Diagnosis

The following are the main purpose of diagnosis:

  • Through diagnosis, nurses can prioritize and make the interventions according to the patient's condition.
  • It helps to formulate the expected outcomes to meet the requirements of the patient.
  • With the diagnosis, procedure nurse can easily get to know what the problems to resolve are.
  • Diagnosis is an effective tool to solve the problems and improve critical thinking skills.

Types Of Diagnosis

Problem Focused Diagnosis

The first type means the client problem presented at the time to the nurse for the assessment. However, the diagnosis is made based on the presence of signs and symptoms inpatient. Risk diagnosis must be prioritized and view keenly as compared to the actual nursing diagnosis. Moreover, the problem-focused diagnosis divided into three components:

  • Nursing diagnosis.
  • Related factors.
  • Defining characteristics.

Risk Nursing Diagnosis

The next type or you can say the second type of nursing diagnosis is risk nursing diagnosis. In this, you need to make the clinical judgment not by seeing the problem but by assessing the presence of risk factors in the patient.

Health Promoting Injury

Health promotion diagnosis is the judgment about motivation and the desire to increase the patient's condition. The components of health promotion include:

  • Readiness for enhanced parenting.
  • Readiness for enhanced family coping.
  • Readiness for enhanced spiritual well being.

Syndrome Diagnosis

It is a clinical judgment that relates to the cluster of problems or the risks that could be present in a certain situation. The examples of syndrome diagnosis include chronic pain syndrome, post-trauma syndrome, frail elderly diagnosis.

How To Write Diagnosis Statement?

There are three styles of writing diagnosis statement. It includes:

  • One part Nursing Diagnosis Statement.
  • Two-part Nursing Diagnosis Statement.
  • Three-part Nursing Diagnosis Statement.

How to write the nursing care plan?

Following are the steps to follow to write the nursing care plan:

  1. Data collection.
  2. Data analysis.
  3. Nursing diagnosis.
  4. Priorities setting.
  5. Client goals.
  6. Desired outcomes.
  7. Short terms goals.
  8. Long term goals.

Steps To Follow While Writing Goals

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Make sure to write the goals and outcomes in terms of patients response.
  • Focus on what are the goals of the client instead of writing the nurse goals.
  • Put the observable and measurable outcomes.
  • Desired outcomes must be practical and realistic.
  • Ensure that every goal must be derived from one nursing diagnosis.
  • Make sure that clients feel the importance of goals and completely cooperate to meet their needs.

Types Of Nursing Interventions

While planning the treatment one has to follow the proper steps to plan intervention. Moreover, the types of nursing interventions are:

  • Independent intervention.
  • Dependent intervention.
  • Collaborative intervention.

Nanda diagnosis and care plans are important to find out the appropriate plan or treatment strategy for the patient. In this way, you can drive the interventions and outcomes.


In this article, we've precisely discussed the Nanda nursing diagnosis types, plan of care, and what are the steps to consider while making the care plans for the patients. With the Nanda diagnosis, you can make the best plan for the patients according to their condition and keeping in mind the risk factors. Make sure to write the diagnosis statement correctly.

The Nanda Nursing Diagnosis And Care Plans

A nursing diagnosis is the part of the nursing process and mainly the clinical judgment about the family, individual in response to the pote...